Jul 28, 2019
Club S.H.A.R.P. (Seoul, Seoul)
Tour Rarity Rank: 53rd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Planet B
9 of 32
9 of 65
2. Mars for the Rich
11 of 44
11 of 89
3. Organ Farmer
9 of 23
9 of 43
4. SuperbugTour DebutSong Debut
Live debut
1 of 6
1 of 15
5. Venusian 1
5 of 15
5 of 25
6. Perihelion
6 of 24
6 of 47
7. Venusian 2
6 of 28
6 of 53
8. Self-Immolate
11 of 41
11 of 86
9. Hell
6 of 25
6 of 56
10. The Great Chain of BeingEncore
2 of 16
7 of 33